About twenty miles into the ride, the rain set in for the day. Got our first punctures within an hour of each other either side of the scary Erskine Bridge (the drivers), both fixed expertly by ex 'king of the mountains' Penny. The roads around Glasgow were the worst we encountered anywhere, with mega big and dangerous potholes. Pleasing and morale lifting to meet a bloke our age in Dumbarton who was also doing LEJOG - but supported over 3 weeks. "Oh, I'm not super-fit like you guys!" we had to hide our Mars bars and Hot Chocolates behind our backs after he'd said that. We ended up in Loch Lomond around 7, soaked and in need of nosh.
Amazing hostel packed with folk from all over the world, including a large party of Lithuanian bikers who thanked James for his offer of leftover Chinese food with a couple of hefty slugs of Absolut. James is no drinker, and looked a bit wobbly right away. I thought it a good idea to get him upstairs before he found himself covered in tattoos and on a ferry across the Baltic.
I still don't think it was a great idea of James's to tell one of their girlfriends that they were really " a big bunch of jessies" and that we could "take them all on", based on us travelling by pedal power and them sitting in motorised armchairs all day long.

Great manager who offered to dry our stuff in an industrial dryer and took our dorm lock apart after Mike over inserted his card/key. Hi ho. can't believe we're 10 days in and so high up.
Alright chaps,
Glad to hear that you made it to Loch Lomond without drowning. Jeez, was it wet!
When I got to Edinburgh, I dried myself off and went straight to the pub to raise a few pints in honour of both of you.
Think the weather should clear up this afternoon (although Saturday looks bad!)
Enjoy the rest of the trip.
Take it easy,
Willie (from the Wanlockhead hostel)
Ta for that Willie. We'll invest in those sealskin socks for next time!
Saturday did start pretty badly, and we got punctures in Glasgow.
Thanks again for your advice and excellent tea. Try that tip with the pasta will you?
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