James had heard that this one ended with a tricky, long ascent. Oh boy, did it ever. Plain sailing for thirty odd miles out of Carlisle and into Scotland via Gretna, and much photo-mugging from us at the 'Welcome to Scotland' sign. Into Annan and suddenly everyone's Scottish and the scones are half price. Great! One old lady, pointing us in the dirrection of an ancients cafe told us "Ye'll get everything there from a needle tae an anchor!" Sadly, they didn't stock fruit cake of any description.
On into seagull plagued Dumfries and a couple of Subway veggie delites. the 'scene' kids and emos clustered around the shopping centre hugging each other/looking miserable are very like their English cousins.
The climb into Wanlockhead is pretty gradual for 15 miles then turns brutal for the last 6, up into hills - dotted with makeshift beehives - which look fashioned from plasticine. Mike 'bonked' a bit, so a leisurely break/wee/food stop was taken to get the motor running again.
On into seagull plagued Dumfries and a couple of Subway veggie delites. the 'scene' kids and emos clustered around the shopping centre hugging each other/looking miserable are very like their English cousins.
The climb into Wanlockhead is pretty gradual for 15 miles then turns brutal for the last 6, up into hills - dotted with makeshift beehives - which look fashioned from plasticine. Mike 'bonked' a bit, so a leisurely break/wee/food stop was taken to get the motor running again.
We were soaked and cold - but ecstatic -reaching Scotlands highest village and a great welcome from Lisa, owner of the former YHA. She loaned us her laptop to update the blog and gave Mike a stockcube to jazz up his pasta.
Met a keen mountain biking big lad from Edinburgh called Willie, who gave us some good tips on what to avoid hill -wise over the next few days, and made some fine rounds of sugary tea. If we ever do anything like this again, we;ll take Willies top tip of wearing 'seal-skin' socks. Your shoes get soaked but tootsies stay dry, and all a bit more compact and tidy than our hopeless Altura overshoes.
Saddened to find that the village pub closes Mondays and Tuesdays! Bizarre meal of pizza, beans and leftover macaroni, washed down with three sugary teas. Excellent end to another knackering day.
Met a keen mountain biking big lad from Edinburgh called Willie, who gave us some good tips on what to avoid hill -wise over the next few days, and made some fine rounds of sugary tea. If we ever do anything like this again, we;ll take Willies top tip of wearing 'seal-skin' socks. Your shoes get soaked but tootsies stay dry, and all a bit more compact and tidy than our hopeless Altura overshoes.
Saddened to find that the village pub closes Mondays and Tuesdays! Bizarre meal of pizza, beans and leftover macaroni, washed down with three sugary teas. Excellent end to another knackering day.
1 comment:
wow - who'd have thought it! you're doing grand!
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